You studied, worked hard, sacrificed, to become a consultant physician. Respiratory and Sleep Medicine: the holy grail. The more you read about sleep medicine, the more you realise you have to learn. In your hospital-based practice, sleep clinics become about apnoea testing. If it's bad enough, you'll prescribe a clunky CPAP machine and perhaps see that patient again at some point, in the future.
But you've read about - and perhaps even seen - narcolepsy, sleepwalking, REM sleep behaviour disorder, restless legs syndrome, circadian disorders, sexsomnia, complex central sleep apnoea, idiopathic hypersomnia. That's typically not what you've been seeing in the clinic but, in the real world, all these patients come to multidisciplinary sleep disorders centres for evaluation, treatment and, perhaps most importantly, longitudinal care.
Sleep and its disorders evolve with age and general health status and often the most rewarding part of clinical sleep medicine practice comes from maintaining the health and quality of life of these often complex patients. After all, its why most of us wanted to be doctors in the first place.
SleepDoctors Australia is the natural evolution in systematic, nuanced and longitudinal care for patients with disorders of sleep and wakefulness. The medical director of SleepDoctors, John Swieca, is a 22-year veteran of multidisciplinary sleep disorders medicine, both in Australia and overseas. His vision for SleepDoctors is to grow a community of like-minded sleep physicians, who want to learn, extend their boundaries and, most importantly, add value in every patient interaction.